Module 1 - Lesson 6 - Finnish Pronouns with English Explanation


Finnish Pronouns with English Explanation

This is the last part of MODULE 1, now you will learn the pronouns , the real Finnish starts now. Pronouns in Finnish are quite simple because they don’t change for gender (there is no "he" or "she", just one word for both HÄN). Here is a list of personal pronouns and other common pronouns in Finnish.

1. Personal Pronouns (Persoonapronominit). 👉 Note: Hän is used for both he and she, making Finnish a gender-neutral language.

Personal Pronouns (Persoonapronominit)
Finnish English Pronunciation
Minä I MEE-na
Sinä You (singular) SEE-na
Hän He / She HAN
Te You (plural/formal) TEH
He/Ne They HEH

2. Possessive Pronouns (Omistuspronominit)

These show ownership. Instead of using "my" or "your," Finnish often adds a suffix to the noun.

Possessive Pronouns (Omistuspronominit)
Finnish English Pronunciation Example
Minun My MEE-nun Minun talo on iso. (My house is big.)
Sinun Your (singular) SEE-nun Sinun kirja on pöydällä. (Your book is on the table.)
Hänen His / Her HA-nen Hänen auto on uusi. (His/her car is new.)
Meidän Our MEI-dan Meidän koulu on hyvä. (Our school is good.)
Teidän Your (plural/formal) TEI-dan Teidän ystävä on mukava. (Your friend is nice.)
Heidän Their HEI-dan Heidän koira on suloinen. (Their dog is cute.)

3. Demonstrative Pronouns (Demonstratiivipronominit)

These are used to point out things like "this" or "that".

Pronoun Translation Example
Tämä This Tämä on kirja. (This is a book.)
Tuo That Tuo on auto. (That is a car.)
Se It/That Se on kaunis. (It is beautiful.)
Nämä These Nämä ovat kukkia. (These are flowers.)
Ne/Nuo Those Nuot ovat taloja. (Those are houses.)

4. Interrogative Pronouns (Kysyvät pronominit)

These are question words used to ask about people or things.

Finnish English Usage Example Sentence
kuka who Used to ask about people Kuka on siellä? (Who is there?)
mikä what Used to ask about things Mikä tämä on? (What is this?)
missä where Used to ask about location Missä olet? (Where are you?)
milloin when Used to ask about time Milloin tapaamme? (When shall we meet?)
miksi why Used to ask about reasons Miksi olet surullinen? (Why are you sad?)
how/Which Used to ask about manner or process Kuinka menee? (How is it going?)

5. Reflexive Pronoun (Refleksiivipronomini)

  • Itse"Self" (Example: Hän teki sen itse. = He/she did it himself/herself.)

6. Indefinite Pronouns (Määrittelemättömät pronominit)

These are used when referring to someone or something unknown.

Pronoun Meaning Example Sentence
joku someone, somebody Joku soitti minulle. (Someone called me.)
jokin something Jokin meni pieleen. (Something went wrong.)
mikä what (used for unknown things) Älä kysy, mikä tapahtui. (Don’t ask what happened.)
kenen whose Sen kysymyksen vastauksia en tiedä, kenen hän on. (I don't know the answer to that question, whose it is.)
molemmat both Molemmat saivat lahjan. (Both received a gift.)
kaikki everyone, everything Kaikki ovat tervetulleita. (Everyone is welcome.)
mitään nothing (negative form) En nähnyt mitään. (I didn’t see anything.)
jotkut some (plural) Jotkut ihmiset saapuvat myöhään. (Some people arrive late.)

Summary & Key Takeaways

✔ Finnish pronouns do not change based on gender.
✔ Possession is often shown with suffixes instead of separate words.
✔ Finnish has separate words for singular and plural "you" (sinä vs. te).
✔ "This" and "that" have plural forms in Finnish.



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