Module 3 - Lesson 4 - Writing a Job application - Answering phone calls.
Module 3 - Lesson 4 - Writing a Job application - Answering phone calls. Terve kaikki, We've learned a…
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Module 3 - Lesson 4 - Writing a Job application - Answering phone calls. Terve kaikki, We've learned a…
Hei kaikki, Interrogative Pronouns (Kysyvät pronominit) These are question words used to ask about people or…
Module 3 - Lesson 1 - Pronouns-Minä-minun- Sinä sinun-Täma-Tuo- Explained breifly Hello all, Terve kaikki, …
English-Finnish Conversation for Grocery Shopping & Paying Bills At the Grocery Store 🛒 Customer: Hel…
This is how we book an appointment with the doctor via phone call. You can also use the MAISA app for your …
Alright, if you have gone through all the lessons in the previous models, you can now introduce yourself in…
Lesson 2: Greetings and Introductions Objective: Learn basic greetings, introduce yourself, and ask simple…
Here are few vocabulary to learn which are mostly used in the day to day lives. We will learn more when we …
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